
Please note that this site (poitras.info) will be permanently closed on December 27, 2024. We encourage you to download the documents that interest you until then. As of January 2025, you will be able to search the Lanaudière Archives (https://www.archives-lanaudiere.com/) for all the documents of the Association des Familles Poitras.


Dissolution of the Poitras Families Association

 After 36 years of life (1988-2024), we inform you that our Board of Directors has decided, unanimously, to dissolve our organization. This is why we published the very last Bulletin of the Association in December 2023. With this in mind, we are fulfilling our final administrative and financial obligations, which will lead us towards definitive closure.

 If our association dies, the ancestors will always remain alive thanks to the contribution of all our members and non-members, who participated, each in their own way, in establishing links with the first of all, Jean, master carpenter, first of the name in America.

 We would like to thank you sincerely for your exceptional contribution to the genealogy of the Poitras of America, and your participation in the activities of our association.

 Although nostalgic, it is happy to think that the Poitras of America will survive our regrouping. We hope that current descendants and those of the future can adopt our motto, and that they live in a world of Joy & Fraternity.

 Suzanne Poitras, President

 Documents to dowload

 You can find all the Association’s documents and information in the French section of this website. Some of them can be translated to English using web apps, but below are the two main documents in English :